Dear LORD,
Thank you so much for your grace and mercy.
Thank you so much for loving us, for sending your only beloved son Jesus Christ to be the propitiation for our sins, that we may live through him our Lord and Saviour.
I pray to you LORD, that my heart may be set right, that my path may be kept straight, that I may live renewed in Christ Jesus through faith as I should, putting away the old self, putting away all malice, envy, strife, lust, fornication, and all things evil, to be humble and submit myself wholly to you, to be gentle, meek, with fullness of charity, loving you LORD with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind.
I pray and thank all this in Jesus most precious name, may all glory be unto my LORD, my GOD, my CREATOR, my HEAVENLY FATHER, forever and ever, amen.